Monday, June 17, 2019

Hold Your Tongue

Samuel Goldwyn

Those of you who know me, know I can be a bit much sometimes. I am stubborn, and I like to be in charge more often than not. I am much like my dad in that aspect. Like him, I naturally like to place myself in leadership positions. My downfall is that when someone does not listen, I do not handle it well. This is not some feminist piece or anything, but the reality is as a young woman, I do not get the same respect a man my age would. I also do not get nearly the same amount of respect as my father. I get talked over, my ideas get passed up, and my opinion typically does not matter. While I don’t have this problem with my dad, I have had this issue with almost every employee he has hired. Typically, the help is around 10 years older than me. What 30-year-old wants to listen to a 22-year-old girl. Because of this, every year I have to fight to be respected. I have to fight for my opinion to matter. My dad is a brilliant man, and he notices my struggle. He offers words of wisdom, and each year I get better and better at how I handle this issue. 

So this year, I finally felt like I was getting somewhere and it all came crashing down. I mean at some point in your life you are going to have to work with someone you can not stand, right? Well unfortunately that point is right now. I am working with that person where no matter what we are doing, we don’t see eye to eye. Pair that with my stubbornness and you get a headache for dad.

In an attempt to quell the situation, and save dad some stress, this year I am practicing the art of holding my tongue. All I can say is baby-steps.

Otherwise this was a really great week. Dad had to go into town for two days to run some errands, but my friends in the Moose cabin took me in, and we played cards to pass the time. I came in a very close second place, but I put up a good fight. It was a much-needed distraction.

We also had a lot of kids in camp this week which brings a very relaxed atmosphere. I always enjoy hearing their fish stories and seeing the excitement on their faces when they talk about all the big fish they had caught during the week.

A big thanks to everyone for being so supportive this year. We want you to know that it is greatly appreciated!